Regular Activities
Sunday Morning
- 9:00 am - Worship Service
- 10:15 am - Community Time
- 10:30 am - Sunday School
Wednesday Night
- 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm - Family Night (for all ages)
Everyone is invited to all of these events.
Guest Preacher Larry Mulholand
Guest preacher Larry Mulholand from Mission Journeys presented a call to spread the Good News about Jesus by every one, even when we don't feel qualified.
Green Faith - Abundance - Matthew 14.13-21
In our final sermon in the Green Faith series, we got a little more practical and saw how God gives abundantly when we live within our need and not our greed.
Green Faith - Our Work - Genesis 1.26-28; 9.9-13
God created our world to be renewed and redeemed to look similar to what it will look like forever. But what was our original purpose on this earth? Join us as we look back into our work in this world through God's eyes.
Green Faith - God's Plan for the Planet - John 20.19-28
It's not an issue emphasized much in the church, but it's an important topic to God, so why wouldn't it be important to us? God has a plan for our planet, now and in the future, are we willing to join him in his plan?
I Am N - Forgiveness - Isaiah 53
As we conclude our series on the persecuted church, what sticks out the most in the midst of their suffering is their willingness to forgive. Where do they get that willingness? How can they forgive someone who tortures them, attacks those they love and ultimately takes their...
I Am N - Faithfulness - 1 Peter 5.6-10
How do we remain faithful to our commitments when things get difficult? How do we remain faithful to God when it feels like we're all alone? In this message, we explain how we can prepare for faithfulness even before we begin to suffer.
I Am N - Perseverance - Hebrews 12.1-2
Perseverance is something that takes some key elements to maintain. And even when we fail, we can persevere. It's in getting back up and focusing on Jesus when we fall down in order to persevere to the end.
I Am N - Joy - Luke
In the face of suffering and hardship, joy is the last thing we think to have. But repeatedly we see in the New Testament that followers of Christ are and called and fine joy, not because of what was happening but because of what God was providing them.
I Am N - Courage - Matthew 10.28-33
In our second sermon in the series 'I Am N', we look at the courage that these persecuted Christians demonstrate and the reason for the confidence they have in God's providence and love.
I Am N - Sacrifice - 1 Peter 2.21-23
As we begin a new series that will lead us up to Easter, we look at the sacrifice many of Christians around the world, labeled 'N' for Nazarene, make to follow Christ. Many are forced to renounce their faith, pay a tax, leave their homes or die and they make a sacrifice for...