All are welcome at Astoria Christian Church!

Regular Activities

Sunday Morning

  • 9:00 am - Worship Service
  • 10:15 am - Community Time
  • 10:30 am - Sunday School

Wednesday Night

  • 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm - Family Night (for all ages)

Everyone is invited to all of these events.

Content as Cats

Sometimes I just like to watch what’s happening around me and reflect on it. I’m sure I’m not alone. I know others who ‘people watch’ or ‘bird watch’ but I’m not just focused on people or animals. I like to look at the whole picture around me. I think we get a better understanding of our world when we simply watch and listen and observe.
And especially when we have a new experience or environment. For me, I’m learning all sorts of things about cats. Simply watching them helps me understand their behavior. Now, I had cats growing up, but they were barn cats, so I didn’t get to observe them regularly throughout the day. The cats I have now, however, give me a chance to see how they behave more of the time.
And what struck me this past week about my cats is how content they seem to be. My cats may be more docile than others because they let the kids tote them around like bags of flour, but I think most house cats are similar. And I started to wonder why they might appear so content to me. I thought about how their basic needs are met with consistent food and water, a safe environment and the availability of interaction (cat to cat and cat to human). And for a cat, maybe that’s enough.
But then I got to thinking about why I’m not content most of the time. I have all of my basic needs met, and even much more than I even need, but I don’t find contentment in my life all of the time. And that’s more than just worry and anxiety, but an actual longing for more in my life.
So, what makes me discontent in my life? Well, I think there’s a very good discontentment that we naturally have that we need to pay attention to, like discontentment with injustice or bad habits in our life. But what about financial contentment or relational contentment. Why do we always want more? I think part of it is the good discontentment leaks into the bad discontentment. But even more it’s about defining what we need. We know what’s out there. We know what we don’t have. And if we don’t define what we truly need, then we’ll always be searching for something more.
Paul writes to his protégé Timothy in 1 Timothy 6.6-8: “But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content.” Paul defines contentment as food and clothing. I would say he is assuming our relationship with God and with others, but he keeps it pretty simple. So I pray we define what we truly need and, with God’s help, learn to be content with that. God bless.


Fantasy RPG Games are engaging software, developed for mobile devices using the Android operating system. These applications are intended for users' amusement, offering them captivating and diverse scenarios in which they can participate. Games for Android can include various gameplay mechanics, ranging from racing and extending to racing. Within them, one can demonstrate their abilities, complete missions, discover virtual worlds, or simply enjoy relaxation and entertainment. These games can be downloaded and setup on mobile devices from official app stores, providing a wide range of entertainment for Android users.

Programs for Android are software, developed for gadgets running on the Android. They execute various tasks and provide varied capabilities for users. Similar applications can help manage data, modify content, grant access to data, interact with other users and more. Programs for Android are mounted on the device and can significantly enhance its functions, making the mobile experience more convenient, efficient, and diverse.

Our editors have tried to gather the most popular talking programs that have been released at the moment. The compilation on our site will be constantly replenished. All that remains for you is to choose the game you like and click the install button. All your talking pets will gladly say again your sentences and do funny movements. Many applications, additional functions have been introduced. You need to log in more often to the application to earn your points.

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Download popular on Android tablet
Logical Puzzles on AndroidBest Racing GamesGames with Fantasy Elements 9286e04

Приветствую Вас уважаемые! рецепт картошки в духовке

Внимательно изучайте, берите на вооружение самые разнообразные, вкусные рецепты, пошаговые фото помогут вам в этом интересном и увлекательном деле. Как много нового и полезного позволяют узнать пошаговые инструкции, сколько новых для себя блюд легко и просто узнают читатели сайта, процесс обучения сводится к четкому следованию этим инструкциям, точному повторению этапов приготовления блюда, показанных в фотографиях. И все равно, что вы будете готовить, пусть это будет пошаговый рецепт супа, пошаговый рецепт картошки, пошаговый рецепт курицы, пошаговый рецепт салата – результат, как правило, будет великолепный. Решили приготовить по-особенному мясо? Рецепт пошаговый вас выручит без проблем.
Хорошего дня!

Fantasy RPG Games are engaging software, developed for mobile devices using the Android operating system. These applications are intended for users' amusement, offering them captivating and diverse scenarios in which they can participate. Games for Android can include various gameplay mechanics, ranging from racing and extending to racing. Within them, one can demonstrate their abilities, complete missions, discover virtual worlds, or simply enjoy relaxation and entertainment. These games can be downloaded and setup on mobile devices from official app stores, providing a wide range of entertainment for Android users.

Programs for Android are software, developed for gadgets running on the Android. They execute various tasks and provide varied capabilities for users. Similar applications can help manage data, modify content, grant access to data, interact with other users and more. Programs for Android are mounted on the device and can significantly enhance its functions, making the mobile experience more convenient, efficient, and diverse.

Our editors have tried to gather the most popular talking programs that have been released at the moment. The compilation on our site will be constantly replenished. All that remains for you is to choose the game you like and click the install button. All your talking pets will gladly say again your sentences and do funny movements. Many applications, additional functions have been introduced. You need to log in more often to the application to earn your points.

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Download popular on Android tablet
Logical Puzzles on AndroidBest Racing GamesGames with Fantasy Elements 9286e04

Fantasy RPG Games are engaging software, developed for mobile devices using the Android operating system. These applications are intended for users' amusement, offering them captivating and diverse scenarios in which they can participate. Games for Android can include various gameplay mechanics, ranging from racing and extending to racing. Within them, one can demonstrate their abilities, complete missions, discover virtual worlds, or simply enjoy relaxation and entertainment. These games can be downloaded and setup on mobile devices from official app stores, providing a wide range of entertainment for Android users.

Programs for Android are software, developed for gadgets running on the Android. They execute various tasks and provide varied capabilities for users. Similar applications can help manage data, modify content, grant access to data, interact with other users and more. Programs for Android are mounted on the device and can significantly enhance its functions, making the mobile experience more convenient, efficient, and diverse.

Our editors have tried to gather the most popular talking programs that have been released at the moment. The compilation on our site will be constantly replenished. All that remains for you is to choose the game you like and click the install button. All your talking pets will gladly say again your sentences and do funny movements. Many applications, additional functions have been introduced. You need to log in more often to the application to earn your points.

Search here -

Download popular on Android tablet
Logical Puzzles on AndroidBest Racing GamesGames with Fantasy Elements 9286e04

Do you want to give your roof a new lease on life?
Shingle Magic Roof Sealer is the answer. The exceptional product
provides an extraordinary standard of maintenance for your asphalt
shingles, making sure they last longer.

With Shingle Magic Roof Sealer,
you're not just using any ordinary product. You're
selecting a premium roof rejuvenation solution formulated to dramatically prolong the
life of your roof for many years to come. It's a smart choice for anyone aiming to
protect their investment.

The reason to opt for Shingle Magic Roof Sealer? Firstly, its unique formula seeps into the asphalt shingles, reviving their pristine condition and
aesthetic. Additionally, it's remarkably easy to apply, demanding
no work for maximum results.

In addition to Shingle Magic Roof Sealer extend the life of your roof, it also delivers superior protection against environmental damage.
From intense UV rays, heavy rain, or freezing temperatures, it is well-protected.

Furthermore, selecting Shingle Magic Roof
Sealer signifies you are opting for an green option. Its non-toxic
makeup means minimal environmental impact, making it a conscious
choice for eco-conscious homeowners.

To sum up, Shingle Magic Roof Sealer excels as the ultimate roof rejuvenation solution. Its ability to prolong the life of your roof but also delivering superior protection and being green option makes Shingle Magic
as the smart choice for those looking to invest in their property's future.

Additionally, an important feature of Shingle Magic Roof Sealer is
its affordability. Instead of investing a significant amount on frequent repairs or a full roof replacement, using Shingle Magic helps save you expenses in the long run.
This makes it a budget-friendly option that provides premium results.

Furthermore, the user-friendly nature of Shingle Magic Roof Sealer is a major plus.
There's no need for professional expertise to apply it.
Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or prefer for expert application, Shingle Magic provides a smooth process with outstanding results.

The product's longevity also serves as a significant reason to choose it.
Once applied, it forms a protective barrier that maintains the integrity of your shingles for years.
This means fewer concerns about damage from the elements and more
peace of mind about the condition of your roof.

Regarding aesthetic appeal, Shingle Magic Roof Sealer also stands out.

Besides protecting your roof but also enhances its look. Shingles
will seem more vibrant, which adds to the curb
appeal and worth to your property.

Client satisfaction with Shingle Magic Roof Sealer is further
evidence to its effectiveness. Many users have experienced notable improvements in their roof’s condition after
using the product. Testimonials underscore its ease of use, lasting
effects, and outstanding protective qualities.

To wrap it up, selecting Shingle Magic Roof Sealer represents choosing a trusted solution for roof rejuvenation. Its combination of durability, aesthetic enhancement, economic efficiency,
and simplicity makes it the perfect choice for those wishing to prolong
the life and beauty of their roof. Don’t hesitate to revitalize your roof with Shingle Magic Roof Sealer.

Здравствуйте уважаемые! чебуреки рецепт

Наш сайт также стремится максимально удобно и наглядно показать процесс приготовления того или иного блюда, сделать новый для читателя материал интересным и легким для изучения. Рецепты с фото, пошагово проиллюстрированные на наших страничках, будут наверняка интересны посетителям сайта, особенно из числа начинающих кулинаров. Домашние пошаговые рецепты с фото намного понятней, они позволяют последовательно, шаг за шагом выполнить все необходимые манипуляции с продуктами, избегая обычных в таких случаях ошибок.
От всей души Вам всех благ!

Здравствуйте господа! приготовление курицы в духовке

Как много замечательных, для многих новых и неизведанных блюд готовится в духовке! Пошаговые рецепты научат вас с первого раза готовить без ошибок и порчи дорогих вашему сердцу продуктов. Неправильная термообработка - причина многих ошибок начинающих кулинаров. Хорошо проиллюстрированный процесс - залог успеха приготовления рецептов в духовке. С фото пошаговые инструкции делают приготовление сложных блюд сплошным удовольствием. Как нестандартные, оригинальные, так и классические рецепты с пошаговыми фотографиями делают их быстро и без особых затрат достоянием широкого круга любителей кулинарии.
От всей души Вам всех благ!


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