All are welcome at Astoria Christian Church!

Regular Activities

Sunday Morning

  • 9:00 am - Worship Service
  • 10:15 am - Community Time
  • 10:30 am - Sunday School

Wednesday Night

  • 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm - Family Night (for all ages)

Everyone is invited to all of these events.

Hard Things

The hardest things in life usually bring us the greatest benefit, right? This can be the hard choices that we make, but even hard or difficult situations often bring about positive change for us. I know as I’ve dealt with really hard situations that often when things get resolved I find myself in a better place. And I know it is certainly true that when I do the hard things that Jesus called me to do, I always feel and am better after it’s done.
And in many ways that’s a reality of how God made the world. And what I mean is not that God intended for us to have pain and hard decisions in life, because his initial plan was for a perfect paradise with perfect unity with him. However, because of sin and rebellion against God, humanity (and all of creation) has gone down the path of least resistance. We naturally choose to do what is easier, especially in the short-term, to feel the least amount of pain and hurt. And we’ve gotten really good at taking the easy way out as a culture especially.
There’s a book for teens called “Do Hard Things” that pushes back against taking the easy way out in life. I would encourage anyone, but especially our youth, to read it because it is inspirational and challenging. But the one key element that I feel it doesn’t encompass well is the spiritual relevance of doing hard things and really the ultimate purpose behind them.
And that reality is, when we do hard things in terms of our relationship with God, that relationship with God grows. Sure we can do hard things when it comes to a business decision, or the chores around the house, or our hygiene, which can certainly be beneficial. However, when we do the hard things when it comes to moral decisions and especially relational decisions, I think that’s more important.
And those hard things relationally are probably the hardest things of all, especially for most of us Midwesterners. As Henri Nouwen writes, “We are called to confess to each other and forgive each other, and thus to discover the abundant mercy of God. But at the same time, we are so terribly afraid of being hurt more than we already are.” Too often we dance around feelings or conflict or issues and don’t address them directly. We are passive aggressive and indirect with our feelings. And I’m just as bad as anyone.
But I’ve found that the times I do the hard things of sharing my feelings, am willing to forgive and ask for forgiveness that things go better for me and that relationship. And doing those things, I find, also helps me grow closer to God.
My prayer is that we are all able to do those hard things and grow toward maturity. God bless.


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