Family Night meets every Wednesday night from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. We enjoy a time of FREE...
All are welcome at Astoria Christian Church!

Regular Activities

Sunday Morning

  • 9:00 am - Worship Service
  • 10:15 am - Community Time
  • 10:30 am - Sunday School

Wednesday Night

  • 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm - Family Night (for all ages)

Everyone is invited to all of these events.

mthiner's blog


I’ve got to admit, one thing about 2020 that hasn’t gotten old are the memes. One of the more recent ones I’ve seen is a picture of a group of porta potties that were on fire. The caption read: ‘If 2020 was a scented candle’. There was another one from ‘The Office’ where Toby (the HR Manager) is 2020 and Michael says, “Why are you the way you are? Honestly, every time I try to do something fun or exciting, you make it not that way.”


Answer this question for me: “How much does watching YouTube impact your overall well-bring?” You have the choices of ‘None’, ‘A Little’, ‘Some’ and ‘A Lot’. This was an actual survey question given to me recently. Now, it was pretty easy for me to select ‘None’ and finish the survey, but it got me thinking, maybe YouTube is important for someone’s well-being.


So, apparently, more of us are gardening this year, huh? Or maybe I’m assuming too much because of how difficult it’s been to get lids for canning. But I’m pretty sure I heard that was the case. Since our quarantine hit right about the time gardens needed to be planted, it makes sense. And that’s great. I had lots of lids left over from last year, so I’m good! But it got me thinking, did more of us plant gardens because we had always wanted to but didn’t have the time or did we simply need something to do?


So, apparently I have a reputation. If you don’t know what it is, just ask around the churches and especially those who attend my church. And I won’t disagree with that reputation. I believe I’ve earned it. The problem is, I realize that my zeal and my passion can get in the way of what other people think is practical and even appropriate. But as a person who always wants to learn and grow, and a pastor who wants others to learn and grow, I feel my efforts are necessary.

Humble Heart

Now, I don’t want to cause any conflict, but as a parent I was impressed again this week. You may disagree, and I’m good with that, but the inevitable happened this week. Astoria had the first confirmed case of COVID in the school. Now, I anticipated this happening within the first couple of weeks, which it did, and I don’t think any of us should be surprised. I mean, it is actually rather surprising we haven’t had other cases pop up here yet (that I’m aware of).


So, I bought a tall hot chocolate mocha from Starbucks this week in the drive thru. And so, I ordered, paid and received my ‘coffee’ but when I took a sip it did not taste right. I took another sip and another just to make sure, and it was almost tasteless. And so, as I pulled around the store, I debated with myself, do I go inside and complain or just drink what I’ve got and go home. In the past I was always one to say, ‘it’s fine’ and just go on. However, the more I thought about that $5 cup of coffee, the more I realized that I’d be annoyed that I didn’t say anything.

God's Dwelling

I feel like I am one of those people who grew up right between two different generations. In fact, there’s a video comparing boomer dads to millennial dads and I feel like I’m right on the fence between them. The boomer dad in me sees a McDonald’s and says, ‘I need a Big Mac’ and for my injured kid to ‘just walk it off!’, while the millennial dad in me tells my competitive kids that ‘We’re just out here to have fun’ and ‘you can’t eat that, it has too much sugar.’ And being stuck between two generations allows me to see a significant shift in church dynamics, too.

Mouth of Babes

So, it’s been a busy day around the church as kids and their parents come to meet their teacher and see the building. I am excited that the school is able to use our local churches to help get the school year started with in-class participation. And I’m also excited that I was told I could be ‘acting principal’ for the 4th grade class that will be using our facility!

Hard Things

The hardest things in life usually bring us the greatest benefit, right? This can be the hard choices that we make, but even hard or difficult situations often bring about positive change for us. I know as I’ve dealt with really hard situations that often when things get resolved I find myself in a better place. And I know it is certainly true that when I do the hard things that Jesus called me to do, I always feel and am better after it’s done.


It’s in the nature of many animals to bite, right? No matter how docile or trained an animal is, there seems to be some raw instinct in them that can come out if necessary. Even my little kitten bites, though it’s more of a playful gnawing, but I’d still like him to stop. My ankles are starting to get raw!


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