Family Night meets every Wednesday night from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. We enjoy a time of FREE...
All are welcome at Astoria Christian Church!

Regular Activities

Sunday Morning

  • 9:00 am - Worship Service
  • 10:15 am - Community Time
  • 10:30 am - Sunday School

Wednesday Night

  • 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm - Family Night (for all ages)

Everyone is invited to all of these events.

mthiner's blog

Freely Love

So recently we decided to get a kitten. I wanted to try it out for a few weeks to see how the kids reacted in terms of allergies. So far that seems to be going well. What I didn’t fully expect, however, was that this kitten would cause a different sort of reaction from my kids. Of course I knew they’d have various levels of excitement toward him and that the younger ones may even fight over him, but I’m a little surprised by how irritating their excitement has become.

Receive Gifts

I love gifts. Almost any kind of gift makes me feel good. Even if it is something I’ll never use (and maybe just throw) I appreciate the gesture of a gift. And, as we know, a gift is really only a gift when it’s received. Christmas presents left under the tree aren’t really gifts until they’re picked up, opened and received. That’s when it becomes a gift.


When you think about your relationships, friends, family, kids or a spouse, who do you think of? Especially when we make a decisions, what do we consider? Obviously our spouse and our kids take precedent over other relationships, but how much do the scales lean toward them? It’s also human nature to take our own needs and desires into consideration, too.

Stuck with You

There’s a song that I’ve been listening to lately that I’m probably misinterpreting but got me thinking. It’s called ‘Stuck with You’ by Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber. I’m not sure if it’s acceptable for a 37 year old to be a Bieber fan yet, but I really enjoy that song. And, like I said, I’m probably reading something different into it than intended, but the sentiment to me is one of commitment. They’re saying that they’re stuck with each other, even in the midst of the tough stuff in their relationship.


I heard a story that the word 'sincere' comes from the Latin words ‘sine’ and ‘cere’ which means ‘without wax’. Basically there was a period of time when people would sell marble statues and sculptures with wax on it to hide the flaws of the marble and sell it at a higher price. Eventually the words ‘sine/cere’ were put on marble statues to note that it did not contain any wax. They were saying: what you see is what you get.

Heroes of Faith

Have you been to the cemetery lately? Maybe you went out and put flowers on a grave of a grandparent, parent, spouse or other loved one. Maybe you paid your respects to a veteran. Maybe you just like to walk through and read the headstones. Whatever your reason, if you paid attention, you may have noticed that parts of cemeteries tend to have less flowers and decoration than others. In the Astoria Cemetery, especially, you can see how the older, more northern portion of the cemetery is quieter while the southern and western portions are much more vibrant.

Good vs Bad

Who’s the good guys? It seems like more and more that line is getting fuzzy, especially in our movies and television. In movies like ‘The Dark Knight’ or characters like Hank Voight from Chicago PD or Jack Sparrow from the ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ movies. Each of these, and so many others, toe the line between good and evil. And it seems to have seeped into our personal lives, too.


My kids range in ages of 3 to 13 right now, and because of this, I get to interact with them in different ways depending on their stage in life. And I can see how, though they are all rather different, they will express themselves in similar ways at similar stages. What I mean is that my 6 year old often acts like one older brother in particular when he was 6 and, unfortunately, how I acted at age 6. But hopefully that means I’ve developed some better ways of dealing with it, too.

Next Right Thing

Alright, so, I’m comfortable enough with myself to admit it…I’ve been looking forward to seeing Frozen 2 since I heard it was coming out. However, I didn’t want to be ‘that guy’, so I had to wait until I could watch it with my kids, which I finally did a few weeks ago. And, to be honest, I almost wish I hadn’t waited. I feel like there’s some real neat life truths, even Jesus-truths, in it. And what especially sticks out to me is one of the last songs. It’s called ‘Do the Next Right Thing’. It reminds me of another Disney movie ‘Finding Dory’ where Dory sings ‘Just Keep Swimming’.

Reaching Out

It’s been a few weeks back now, so maybe the statute of limitations has run out, but I need to confess something. I stole $30 worth of gas from our local gas station. I know, right? Shocking. However, as everyone who has lived here for more than a month knows, you can’t get away with anything in this town. Shortly after I ‘stole’ the gas, I was sent a message from a friend who is good friends of the owner of this gas station that simply reminded me I failed to pay for my gas. I immediately returned, and since no police sirens were visible, I quickly paid what I owed.


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