So, I got a letter with a return address ‘Citations Processing Center, Beverly, MA.’ I was very confused by the address and immediately thought, “What did I do wrong now?” And, that’s probably somewhat telling about me, but I honestly couldn’t imagine what I’d be cited for. Though I hoped that it was simply junk mail, inside I found a ‘Notice of Automated Traffic Citation’. Let me tell you, I was more than annoyed and immediately wanted to fight it. I told myself there is no way that was me, despite multiple pictures that were undoubtedly my vehicle with my license plate.
“I heard the bells on Christmas day, Their old familiar carols play, And mild and sweet their songs repeat,
Of peace on earth good will to men.” Back at the last church I served as the youth pastor we used to do a thing called ‘McPrayer’. Yep, it’s exactly what you think. We met at McDonald’s on Friday mornings, bought the youth breakfast and prayed. It was actually a rather neat way to start our Fridays and we had quite a few kids come out…probably mostly for the free breakfast.
How do you feel cared for? I mean, what does someone (or even something) do that makes you feel cared for, even loved? It’s interesting what can impact us in this way.
The second cat that came into our home literally wandered up to me while I was gardening and, after reaching out to his owner, it became a part of my family. I had no intention of adding more pets to our house, at least not for some time, but I guess maybe I’m just a softy.
Alright, everyone, heart check. How you doing? I imagine, if I could hear you, we’d get a lot of Midwestern ‘fines’ or ‘I’m doing alright’. And I do the same thing. But, seriously, it’s been a heavy, hard and hurtful year, right? I think all of us had some struggle, and many of us had significant struggles. Which is why it seemed like a good time to do an H.E.A.R.T. check.
The holidays, maybe especially this year, are often filled with a mixture of feelings. Obviously we think of joy and excitement, especially for children and to be able to see family. But then we all know the pain that can come with the holidays as well. And not just the stress and turmoil of plans and expenses, but also the pain and hurt that easily gets stirred because of the losses that we have had throughout the year.
Commitment is a big, sometimes scary, word these days. We like to keep our options open and to have the ability to change our mind on a whim. And some of us are better about that than others. But it’s the nature of our individualistic worldview. If I’m not happy somewhere or in something or with a certain group, I’ll just leave it and find another place to fill that need. We do this all the time, from our marriages to our favorite cookie brand.
Do you ever get annoyed with yourself for saying something stupid? I’ll give you a second to make sure you give an honest answer… Seriously, though, what is it about human nature that our minds tells us, “don’t do it, don’t do it”, but then we click the send button or the share button or those words slip out. In fact, there’s a Tiktok trend that repeats the words ‘Don’t say it’ over and over again…before she inevitably says it.
We like our freedom, right? I mean that’s been a topic of discussion leading up this election and all throughout this pandemic. We argue about our rights and what we deserve. I personally love my freedoms. I enjoy being able to make the decision I want on where I go, what I do and how I spend my time. I also have a job where I get to follow my passions and connect in ways I feel are best for our church and community.
It’s been a while since I’ve been in 3rd and 4th grade, but it’s been entertaining (and somewhat educational) to have a Reading class in the room next to my office. This week they’ve been learning about figurative language. Honestly, I don’t remember when I first learned metaphors, alliterations and onomatopoeia (I googled to find that spelling) but I know I’m incredibly grateful for the teachers who showed me what they are and how they work. But, while I was learning it, I’m sure I wondered how I would ever use them in ‘real life’.
So, I ordered something from an usual source online. It seemed reputable and I felt comfortable using my PayPal account to pay for them. And I did receive…something. And it was similar, it was simply a quarter of the size promised. And since I’m not willing to just let things go sometimes, I emailed the company.