Family Night meets every Wednesday night from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. We enjoy a time of FREE...
All are welcome at Astoria Christian Church!

Regular Activities

Sunday Morning

  • 9:00 am - Worship Service
  • 10:15 am - Community Time
  • 10:30 am - Sunday School

Wednesday Night

  • 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm - Family Night (for all ages)

Everyone is invited to all of these events.

mthiner's blog


Sometimes the words of someone else can help more than we know. Instead of reinventing the wheel for this week’s article, I wanted to share something from an email called “The 5 Love Languages.” Dr. Gary Chapman writes how anger, which is almost always a secondary emotion to fear or sadness, can and should be handled appropriately. He writes 5 steps to handling anger in a godly and healthy way:


A hurt only heals when we take care of it, right? I mean, I imagine most of us have had a sore or a cut or a wound that never seems to heal properly. It remains sore or open and it’s a constant source of frustration. And, often, the reason that happens is because we’ve never let it heal properly. Maybe we pick at it or scratch it or we don’t care for it properly. And while our bodies usually heal themselves if we allow it, relational and emotional wounds aren’t quite so simple.


When hard things in life happen, what’s your response? I suppose it depends on what it is that’s hard. But when you face a challenge are you the type of person who curls up in a fetal position and cries? Or do you push through the challenge on your own, doing the best you can with what you have? Or do you seek some help and support to meet the challenge as best you can? Maybe, like me often, you just try to avoid challenges and difficult situations.

Wind in Sails

We’ve all heard that when one door closes another one opens, right? And I think God does work that way. At least for me personally, I’ve often found that when one road in life ends, there’s usually another road that seems to open. And often that new path is better than the original one.


At what point do our commitments take our freedom? I mean, all of us make commitments, including what our spouses and kids take on. And I’m a huge proponent of sticking to commitments. But at what point does having too many commitments make us slaves to outside groups, organizations and people rather than free to make healthy choices?


I think my proudest moments as a parent has been when I’ve seen maturity and good decisions being made by my kids. Really, whenever I see growth. And often, it seems, like these come in spurts and randomly, like physical growth, so we might miss them if we don’t pay close attention.

Lies and Truth

I think all of us are seeking truth. I mean, our sense of right and wrong, our desire for justice and questions about the purpose of life all point to truth. But truth is allusive in many ways. Counselors and psychologist tell us that perception is reality, but that doesn’t necessarily means it’s accurate or true.

Slaves to God

To whom do we belong? We like to think that we’re pretty free, right? I mean, we’re Americans, it’s the land of the free. But the unfortunate truth is that we’re slaves to someone or something. None of us are able to choose entirely freely simply because we’re human.

Embrace and Freedom

I think most of us would assume that being a follower of Jesus in times of physical persecution and outright hatred for Christians to be one of the most difficult times to follow him. I know that secret meetings and hiding from authorities would be so hard for me. And I think we need to regularly remember that even today there are many fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who suffer this way around the world. However, I also believe that truly following Jesus in the American and Western world today can be just as difficult in some ways.

Community of Church

So, this is the quietest Thursday morning I’ve had at the church for about 9 months now. Honestly, it’s a little eerie. I’m already missing the noise and pitter patter (and occasional thunderous stomping) in the building. And though this wasn’t anyone’s ideal plan for the 2020-2021 school year, I am amazed by how well it seemed to have gone.


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