Family Night meets every Wednesday night from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. We enjoy a time of FREE...
All are welcome at Astoria Christian Church!

Regular Activities

Sunday Morning

  • 9:00 am - Worship Service
  • 10:15 am - Community Time
  • 10:30 am - Sunday School

Wednesday Night

  • 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm - Family Night (for all ages)

Everyone is invited to all of these events.

mthiner's blog

Truth and Love

Often those who are closest to us are the ones who can hurt us the most, right? I mean, two people can say the exact same thing to us and we laugh at one and are outraged by the other. And that makes sense because those we allow to get closest to us we trust with more of our lives giving them the potential to hurt us more.

Be All Things

Just this week, in fact on the same day, my background of growing up in Minnesota really stuck out to me. Neither of them were a big deal, just small little reminders that even though I grew up in Minnesota, I’m now an Illinoisan. And my kids, though some were born in Minnesota, will probably consider Illinois their home, just like I consider Minnesota mine.


A slaughtered, bleeding Lamb, still standing. A dragon sweeping stars out of the sky with its lethal tail. A beast with seven heads and ten horns. Horrific hundred-pound hailstones. Raging seas. Sinking islands and melting mountains. Cities collapsing in the twinkling of an eye. These are some of the images we see when we read the book of Revelation. And tied with these images is the anticipation about the end of this world.

Eternity in Mind

Lately, it seems, there’s been a constant reminder (through song) about how, maybe, some things last forever. Luke Combs sings, “A love like that makes a man have second thoughts…maybe some things last forever after all” while the cast of Frozen 2 sings, “Some things never change…and I'm holding on tight to you.” That’s an interesting contrast to the constantly changing world we often see around us.

We Not Me

Consider this as an advertisement on marriage: “[A groom] knows what love is. It’s death. If lovers don’t know this, they are headed for trouble. Never will you have your way again. You can’t be happy if this other person isn’t. No matter who wins the argument, you lose. Always.”


I love each and every one of my kids equally. I feel like I should start with that. But not all of my kids were the result of our plans. And what I mean by that, despite the fairly consistent 2.5 years between my kids age, we all know that you can’t usually plan those things out perfectly. From the firstborn, and especially to the last, each child came on God’s schedule and I wouldn’t change it for anything. And I would never call any child an ‘accident’, but, to be honest, we only planned on having 4 kids. Now, for those that don’t know, I have five children, four boys followed by a girl.

Starts with God

‘It all starts with God.’ Those are essential words of faith, right? So often we try to focus on who we are and what we can or have done. We live a life that focuses on our own peace of mind, personal fulfillment and even our own happiness. But is that really the purpose we have to be on this planet? How can we remind ourselves today that life is really all about God and not about ourselves?

New Things

Apparently cancel culture is a growing trend that can’t be ignored. It seems like every day more and more books, movies, magazines and even people are getting cut out of our lives. And I feel like it’s gotten to the point that I can’t just scroll past it. So I finally took some time to see what was going on.

Brighten Up Astoria

Community is so important, especially in a world that seems to be at polar opposites in their thinking. And especially when we have opposing views, the way we handle our disagreements is important. But even more is how we can find ways to come together. Finding common ground. Focusing on what we can agree on.

Obeying without Grumbling

Attitude makes all the difference, doesn’t it? I think any parent can say this, especially if you’ve reached the teenage years with your kids. We all expect our kids to obey us, but it’s always much more enjoyable when they do so with a positive, or even just neutral, attitude. Lately I’ve had a child whose immediate response to anything I ask him is ‘No’ followed by ‘I don’t care’. And let me tell you, that’s so much fun day after day (after day).


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