Family Night meets every Wednesday night from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. We enjoy a time of FREE...
All are welcome at Astoria Christian Church!

Regular Activities

Sunday Morning

  • 9:00 am - Worship Service
  • 10:15 am - Community Time
  • 10:30 am - Sunday School

Wednesday Night

  • 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm - Family Night (for all ages)

Everyone is invited to all of these events.

mthiner's blog

Content as Cats

Sometimes I just like to watch what’s happening around me and reflect on it. I’m sure I’m not alone. I know others who ‘people watch’ or ‘bird watch’ but I’m not just focused on people or animals. I like to look at the whole picture around me. I think we get a better understanding of our world when we simply watch and listen and observe.

God's Law

I grew up loving rules. In fact, one time while playing a game of hide and seek with my cousins, 3rd grade me got so upset about someone cheating that I punched a glass window and got a dozen stitches in my arm. I sure taught that cheating cousin a lesson that day! Often I would get into arguments with my cousins and brothers about minute rules of a game or competition, even if it wasn’t to my advantage!

Cry Out

So, what’s been your response to some of the negativity and regulations and election results over the past year? I think we’ve all had to respond in some way to the situations and circumstances we’ve faced. And maybe you’ve largely just ignored them, continuing to live as always. Maybe you diligently did what you were asked and complied to everything as well as you could. Maybe you’ve fought back, complaining on social media and to your friends and whoever would listen. Whatever you’ve done, all of us have responded in some way.


I am continually amazed by how, with all the diversity in our world and throughout history, we are able to communicate and understand anything. And what I mean by that is simply looking at your own family, from your oldest relative (great-grandparent, grandparent or maybe yourself) to your youngest relative (great-grandchild, grandchild, possibly yourself), consider the diversity of your experience even within the same family. Between the ‘Greatest Generation’ and the current ‘Gen Alpha’ so much has changed in that 100 years. The way we were raised and taught. The way we spoke.

Heart and Mind

Since you’re reading this Argus, I imagine you’re one of those people who still tries to stay up with the news. I don’t mean that as a bad thing at all, but it seems more and more that the news is difficult to watch. It just seems like there is little good news in our world today. So, unfortunately, often I avoid keeping up on the news and rely on Facebook and word of mouth to get most of my news (which is always trustworthy, right?)


So, there’s a lot of talk about finding ways to unite us as a country lately, right? I mean, from country songs to formal speeches to memes on Facebook, it seems as though many of us are ready to heal the wounds in our nation. And that’s great. Biblical even. However, not to put a damper on this united spirit, I worry about our resolve.

Patient and Kind

Imagine, if you will, that you get that phone call that is probably the worst nightmare of any parent. It’s the police and your son has been killed. Immediately, obviously, you’re filled with overwhelming grief, pain and agony. There’s probably a fair amount of disbelief and doubt. You tell yourself, ‘This must be a dream.’ A nightmare, really.
But then imagine that it’s not that your son was just killed, but brutally murdered. He was abused and violated before he was murdered. Now, along with all the pain and hurt you’re feeling, there is a huge weight of anger and even rage.

Weekly Attendance

NEWS ALERT...mental health in the US is down in 2020! I know, shocking…even scandalous. Except not. Pretty obvious, right? After all that’s happened this year we shouldn’t be surprise by that stat. But it’s not just down, writes that it is the worst it has been over the past two decades and it is down 9% since 2019. That’s a huge dip in percentage if you ask me!


Anyone else just exhausted? I mean, I think I’m always a little exhausted in January, after all the Christmas celebrations and the New Year’s partying, but I think this year is worse. And hopefully you’re not there and you’re moving into 2021 with joy and hope, but I think a lot of my expectations that we would put 2020 behind us aren’t being realized. It’s enough to make a grown man curl up in the fetal position until spring...some men anyway.

Love One Another

There’s a story told by a John Cassian (15th century theologian) about a monk named Hero who lived in the desert for 50 years. But unlike the other monks, Hero constantly lived in complete seclusion from everyone else. He wouldn’t join in Sunday worship, feasts or even join fellow Christians for Easter celebrations. He felt he was living the most devout, disciplined life for God by avoiding everything worldly in this way.


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