I truly believe that God is big into irony…or maybe it’s just him preparing us for what is coming. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve written and spoke about anxiety and worry. And when I was writing those messages and articles, I hadn’t realized how much anxiety I was going to feel in the following weeks. I could list the trials I’ve faced just this week, but I know you’ve got your own list, too. And that’s where the irony comes in: did I follow my own advice and live out what I wrote and preached?
Our lives are filled with worry, aren’t they? I mean anxiety is probably the root of many of our problems in life. Most of us find ways to distract ourselves or medicate ourselves or ignore ourselves so that the anxiety doesn’t overwhelm us. Just consider the way that you fall asleep most nights. Are you able to shut off your brain and simply fall asleep? Or do you have something that you watch, take or use that helps bring those ‘zzzs’? Or consider how you respond to situations or people. Do you avoid certain places because of anxiety or certain people because it’s awkward?
I love learning new things and especially learning new ways to use technology. I am too cheap to constantly keep up with the latest gadgets and devices, but I am always looking for ways to use the technology that I do have to its fullest capacity. And sometimes, unfortunately, that means using the technological equivalent of duct tape to get stuff done.
I knew this day was coming but I wasn’t looking forward to it. Over the past month or so, I have been to an average of 3-4 football games each week, with the potential of having five where one my sons is playing. And I love football and I love that they are able to play and enjoy the benefits of the sport. And I love being able to go to most of their games to cheer them on.
We all have those days where nothing seems to go as planned, right? Monday morning, for me, was one of those days. I had made big plans to get a lot of work done on my rental house while the kids were at school. I dropped them off and ran to pick up a floor sander that I was renting with the intent that it’d be a super productive morning. Everything went smoothly until I unloaded the seemingly 500 pound machine and plugged it in. It ran for a couple seconds and died.
I love rewards. I think I have probably a half dozen reward cards to various stores and businesses in my wallet, not to mention the digital ones that I use on my phone. And they’re fun because I can often save money or get free stuff when I use my rewards card at these establishments. There’s just something enjoyable about getting a deal!
And as much as I enjoy rewards I usually have to spend something to get them. It’s not as much of a reward if you’re going out of your way to get something or buying something that you normally wouldn’t, right?
I am currently starting round 3 of raising chickens from chicks. My first batch had 5 chicks which I was able to raise into 4 healthy chickens before they met their untimely end. The next batch included 3 chicks that I raised into healthy chickens but each had a distinct demise, though not all of them were unintentional. In the end, of the 7 chicks I’ve raised and the 2 chickens I was given by a friend, I currently have 1 chicken in my coop…not a good percentage.
A couple weeks ago I brought a ‘For Sale’ sign up to the local restaurant to give to a friend who was in need of one. Since I walk up there from the house and this friend’s vehicle wasn’t outside when I arrived, I decided to stick the sign (face down) on the window of another coffee buddy’s truck. I honestly didn’t intend on causing any mischief, but, after about a half hour having coffee with this buddy, he began receiving multiple offers for his truck.
It’s interesting how many of our choices are dictated by others, isn’t it? I mean, as free as we like to think we are, we all take several factors, people and institutions into account whenever we make a choice. Even something as small as what we might wear on a given day might be dictated by what our coworkers will think. And even more, the relational decisions of how we respond to people is often determined by things outside of us.
It’s always interesting to hear what others think about us based upon what they’ve heard from a third party. I mean, we’ve all developed an expectation of someone else based solely on another person’s experience and description of them, right? Maybe we’ve never met them, but someone else has told us ‘all about them’ and our opinion of them can be either good or bad depending on those words, right?